The products that are on offer are placed in the Offers category located at the bottom of the home page of the site. The price listed refers to the final price of the product - including the offer. The products on offer are marked 'offer'. You will find them as you look for products in the product categories. Product changes Product changes are made in any LETO store you wish within 15 days with the purchase receipt or change card. Product / collection selection Products are listed with color, design, size or cup options. The selection of the properties of a product is done simply from the dropdown menu that accompanies it. Make sure you choose exactly what you want before proceeding with the purchase. Payment methods For your best convenience there are 3 payment methods: Cash on delivery (extra charge € 3.08), via credit card and collection from the store.
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Leof. Knosou 276, Iraklio 714 09
Greek (Modern)
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