Each perfumery has a character, it tells about itself in the name, in the furnishings, in the colors, in the windows, in the brands it offers, in the choice of staff. My family has been in the perfumery since the 1920s, I grew up with the stories of my father as a child, with the memory of his scented KnizeTen handkerchiefs and that of my mother's dresses that left the trail of the 70s / 80s. All the brands on our shelves are the result of a complex recipe that includes different ingredients, the most important is quality, but this cannot achieve success alone, it must be supported by an idea, a project or rather a vision that only the great maitres parfumeurs can have. My perfumery is me.
Local time: 07:45
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Via dell'Indipendenza, 52, 40121
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