The town of Sogliano rises along the ancient ridge road route, between Romagna and Montefeltro. It has always been a borderland, in the Middle Ages it was subjected to continuous assaults: the custom of putting cheese in the holes probably dates back to this period. In fact, legend has it that, during one of these sieges, the Soglianesi hid the cheese inside the granaries to save it from frequent raids and that, once unearthed, they realized with great amazement that it had changed its shape and smell, with a particular taste. but absolutely unique that still today characterizes the "Fossa di Sogliano". This chance discovery has become a tradition, handed down from generation to generation, as documented in two inventories from the late 1400s.
Local time: 04:47
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Via XX Settembre, 2A, 47030 Sogliano Al Rubicone FC, Italy
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