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Centro acustico Reggio Emilia | Udito Finissimo Reggiolo

Hearing Finissimo is a company that has been operating on the market for many years and boasts a great deal of experience in solving hearing problems. It also provides free assistance and advice at home. Free trial devices. Free hearing test. Center with agreements with ASL and INAIL. Hearing aids for deafness, medical and electro-medical systems and appliances - trade. Exams: Audiometric tests. Means of payment: Personalized payments. Products: Digital hearing aids, invisible hearing aids, hearing aids, hearing aids, earphones, hearing glasses, hearing aid batteries, hearing aids, spectacle hearing aids, digital hearing aids, custom hearing aids, hearing aids, behind the ear. Services: Free trial devices at home, immediate and home assistance, ssn and inail agreement, free hearing test. Specializations: Ear.


Local time: 12:12

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