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The Fadda family enters the commercial activity in the field of hardware in 1880, when Ignazio Fadda opens a small shop in the central via Angioy in Cagliari. In 1926 Ignazio's son Renzo took over the reins of the company and consolidated the family business looking to the future with the inclusion of machines for working wood and iron. His company is appreciated more than ever for its professionalism and courtesy but also for its assortment. Unfortunately, due to a serious illness, Renzo hands over the management of the company to his children: Ninni and Cosimo. In 1955, in the small shop in via Angioy, Ninni and Cosimo began to work, even if Cosimo alternated between work and study until 1968, the year in which he graduated in economics and commerce. At the beginning of the 1980s, Cosimo Fadda was convinced that the time had come to get out of the restricted environment of the historic center and focus on a more peripheral area but easily accessible not only by customers in the city but also by those of the hinterland, who in that period it grows out of all proportion. To achieve this, he needs much larger premises, to be found in an expanding area. In 1982 the opportunity arrived with a piece of land in via Calamattia, at that time the extreme periphery of the capital, which Cosimo Fadda decided to buy with foresight, risking and focusing on the future of his company. This is how the new company was born in via Calamattia which operates with the "CFadda" logo and specializes in DIY, providing customers with car parks, large rooms with large displays, specialized personnel, thousands of items and, first in the sector, the system of self-service sales: it is a success that makes the company jump to first place on the island. The precious heritage of the grandparents, built patiently with a lot of work and determination, sees the arrival of a breath of youth. Alongside Cosimo, his children also begin to collaborate: Roberto, Lorenzo, Andrea and Francesca. The company is consolidated and begins to look to the future with greater determination with the aim of becoming a leader in Sardinia in the DIY sector. Thanks to the enthusiasm and collaboration of the children, in 1999 CFadda opens a new store in Carbonia. Following this, the Olbia office was opened in 2003 and the Tortolì office in 2004. The expansion continued and in 2005 the Sestu store was inaugurated, followed in 2006 by Villacidro and Sassari. A rapid but solid growth, favored by family harmony and the support of all collaborators and employees of what has now become the CFadda Group. In 2007 the do-it-yourself center in Macomer opens, in 2009 the one in Porto Torres and finally on February 24, 2011 the Nuoro store was inaugurated. In 2012 the 30 years of activity of the Cagliari store were celebrated, which was completely renovated for the occasion. The restyling then invested Olbia and Sestu, leading to the opening of the Senorbì store in 2014, the 10th of the Group which has thus become the largest in the DIY sector in Sardinia. A streamlined and effective structure operates at the headquarters in via Calamattia, divided into 5 functional areas: administration, sales, sales, human resources, technical / IT area, to support the management and the points of sale. Financially, the Group is divided into a central holding (Cosimo Fadda Holding Spa), a service company (Conbrico scarl) and 10 companies srl. as Cosimo Fadda was president during the first three years of activity, after which, in 2014, his son Roberto succeeded him, with unanimous election by all the associates. The consortium is made up of companies, among the first in Italy in the DIY sector, from different and important regions that have 57 points of sale, 98 thousand square meters of premises for sale with 761 employees and over 145 million in turnover. In 2014 the CFADDA.COM institutional website was also renewed, the main novelty of which is the introduction of the e-commerce section. The positive values transmitted by the company are identified in 2015 with the new payoff that will accompany the institutional logo from now on: LA VITA É BELLA, presented and inaugurated at the 2015 convention, of which we report below a short video that summarizes the day that involved all the collaborators of the group. Experience, seriousness and professionalism are the characteristics that identify the CFadda Group, a company that has been the reference for the DIY and do-it-yourself sector in Sardinia for 135 years.

Local time: 15:27

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