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The first shop version was based on a simple standard rental module for online shops. But at least: Coolinarium was online. So I always ran the risk that someone would actually buy something in this shop. Times were different back then. I thought to myself: OK, if someone orders one of the articles listed – there were almost 50 at the time – then I’ll just order it from the manufacturer. There I would have to buy six pieces of the article. I sent one, I would perhaps use the other for myself (my passion for cooking!), I would then find someone to take the other four... So the basic stock of our current warehouse grew and grew more and more. When the goods were slowly piling up in our house from the basement to under the bed, my wife suggested that we should look for an external warehouse. We found one in downtown Aschaffenburg. But the warehouse was connected to a shop. Since I have now invested a lot of time in the further development and construction of the Coolinarium and was on site the whole time anyway, I decided to set up a showroom for customers on site in addition to the online shop. So we opened our first Coolinarium shop in 2006; However, we ended the excursion into the world of stationary retail in spring 2019. Since then we have been bundling all our goods from our online mail order at the new location in Großostheim. Over the years Coolinarium has become bigger and more important. New employees joined and identified with the idea of Coolinarium. Initially the focus was exclusively on unusual and cool things for the kitchen and table, but the Coolinarium range has now expanded to include items from almost all areas of everyday life. As a result, the "culinary" in our name has decreased somewhat, while at the same time the "cool" has gained in importance. There are far more beautiful things than fit on the kitchen or dining table. This joy in cool, surprising and funny product ideas drives my employees and me again and again to offer you constantly new inspirations and surprising solutions for everyday life. Sure: Hardly any of the items we offer will make it onto the list of the 10 things you would take to a desert island. You could even say: You don't need a lot of what Coolinarium offers. But once you have it, you won't want to be without it. An article that makes life easier or more beautiful, perhaps conjures up a smile when you look at it or use it – in our opinion, that is a very useful object of value. We work together with many of our suppliers right from the start, such as the companies Pylones, Remember or Mepal. Due to the growing range of these manufacturers alone, the Coolinarium range has also continued to grow. Today we offer articles from well over 100 different companies. And we're always on the lookout for new, exciting things that aren't found around every corner. Because it should already be a lot of fun to browse through the variety of our offer! We attach great importance to two things when selecting our articles: high quality and a fair price-performance ratio for our customers. But we are not a museum, but an online shop. In other words, we also sell the goods we provide. And we attach great importance to making shopping at Coolinarium as pleasant as possible for you. This is reflected in the different payment options as well as in our efforts to send you your orders as quickly and reliably as possible. If there are companies that want to provide the best customer service, then we don't count ourselves among them - we want to provide the very best customer service!


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