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Energiers Larisa

Our children inspire us, our values lead us! " These words are the driving force that inspires Energiers to imagine, design and ultimately create quality and modern clothes. Our daily concern is to "color" the wardrobe of our little friends with special and practical clothes and to offer them an incredible fashion trip. A Greek family business that since 1981 is taking rapid steps and does not simply follow the developments in the field of fashion but creates them. Our daily goal is to dress the children in a quality way, making them feel comfortable, happy and at the same time beautiful with their appearance. We place great emphasis on quality issues and we do not just stick to the official certificates of manufacture of clothes but we go one step further. We apply high know-how of fabrication and dyeing of clothes in order to minimize cases of allergies and skin diseases. And in all this, when do we not forget the price factor! We are thinking about the family and especially the large family, offering a 15% discount! At the same time, we invest in the durability of clothes and design "smart" clothes that allow many color combinations. We know very well the needs of our little friends but also the big ones and that is why we do not stop working, setting new goals!

Local time: 12:53

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Greek (Modern)

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