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Εργαλεία Στρίγκος Αθανάσιος & Σταύρος & ΣΙΑ ΙΚΕ

The company Strigos Service is active in the field of tool - machine - repair since 1987. The founder of the company is Dimitrios Strigos, expert in the field, coming from the field of technical construction and construction. The company maintains its facilities in privately owned premises at the 8th km of Ethnikis Lamia (on the parallel road of Ethniki), in N. Philadelphia, Thessaloniki 30. In our exhibition you will find a variety of solutions related to your construction, industrial and agricultural activity, as well as the Our specialized service, which is close to you, to give you the necessary solutions to any failures of your machine.



Local time: 01:18

Opening Hours

Greek (Modern)

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