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Etica Bio Naturalmente Belle

Etica Bio was born on May 4, 2015 in Cancello Scalo, a small fraction of San Felice a Cancello, a small village in the province of Caserta, from the idea of two brothers, Sabrina and Antonio, who have always been passionate about everything related to nature and sustainability. Antonio will then begin this new adventure as Sabrina is already engaged in the profession of Mathematics Teacher, but her contribution will prove to be fundamental, especially in coaching during the first months of activity. Antonio, graduated from the Liceo Scientifico Cortese di Maddaloni experimental course, started this activity as soon as he turned 21, but having never had experience in commerce, neither he nor his family, he chose to start from Cancello, to train more easily in a small reality, with the dream of being able to transfer its business to the city center about fifteen kilometers away. Inauguration of Bio Ethics in Cancello - May 2015 Dreams often come true, but you know, realizing them also means overcoming many obstacles. And so, when the dream seems there a step away, ten days after the opening of the new Store in the Center of Caserta, the sudden disappearance of the POPE '❤️, who would have taken days off to paint the store, leaves a void unbridgeable. He has always been the first to believe and support Antonio, even and above all in the No days and in the most difficult moments, and today not being able to share with him the little joys that our work gives us, saddens us a lot. There would be many things to say, but it would take too long .. So we just want to say thanks to all those who, despite everything, with their affection have helped us to realize our dream

Local time: 23:53

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