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My name is Megane DeKeyzer. Midwife by training and founder of Conte de Fée Baby Boutique. At Fée I try to contribute to the fairy tale of (future) parents by giving them honest and correct advice. Ever since I was a child I dreamed of working in a baby shop. My passion for babies and future families has always been there. That is why I decided to study Midwifery after my Economics-Modern Languages study. This training was tailor-made for me. Immediately after my training, I started working as a midwife at the Expertise Center Kraamzorg De bakermat in Leuven. There I had the opportunity to learn the tricks of being a midwife. But blood creeps where it can't go. Since entrepreneurship was given to me at an early age, the idea of a baby shop resurfaced. In this way I can continue to advise and help (future) parents in their search. It is therefore my goal to give parents honest and correct advice. It is very important to me that parents are satisfied with their layette. That is why I went looking for accessories that are not only beautiful but also functional. Stuff you REALLY need. Because I think it is important that parents are well informed, I also organize various workshops in the store. In this way, parents can find out what fits best within their lifestyle and make an informed choice. Everyone should feel at home at Fée baby boutique. I am happy to help you find the right solution for everyone's budget. We have a wide range of basic to luxury accessories to help everyone. I welcome you with open arms.


Local time: 16:51

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