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The company FITIUS was founded in 2000 and is active in the field of fitness. Our mission is to provide you with all the necessary supplies that will help you get your body to the desired level. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT A CALLIGRANIZED BODY IS A COMPONENT OF THE HAPPINESS WE ALL SEEK. The philosophy of the company that governs its operation and its transactions with its customers is that fitness is a way of life and not just some occasional engagement with our physical condition. It concerns the way, the frequency and the intensity with which we exercise, our diet, our priorities, our values, our way of thinking, our aesthetic perception of what constitutes a beautiful body. About us About us Such an integrated approach helps us to sculpt and maintain our body in the best possible condition, to acquire and maintain the appearance that we have always wanted and that reflects the best version of ourselves. Our products are aimed at individuals and businesses and include top quality fitness equipment and accessories for the gym and home, as well as special nutrition products for athletes.


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