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Our values, our promise! Our values, our promise! Commitment to our customers. We develop relationships that positively affect the lives of our customers Quality. Our priority is always to provide quality products and unsurpassed service where this combination offers high value to our customers. We have a mission, money is not our main goal. Of course money is important for our operation as a business. When we have a profit it means that you choose us, because we offer what you want. That is why we continue to invest in your best service. Passion for sports. Fitness-store.gr was created from the beginning by our passion for sports. We do not build a company, we build a health & sports movement where every person is mobilized and helped through our work Ethics & Reliability For us, above all is for the customer to achieve the goal he has. We will never promote something, just to sell, that will not help our customer's goal. We know that goals are achieved with a lot of work and that no supplement is magical, which is why sometimes we may seem harsh in telling the truth, but we firmly believe that raw truth and credibility in the long run gain and bring results to us but mainly to you. Respect & Safety We spend all our energy every day on how we can improve your life. We fully respect that you do not have to know about our products and that there may be concerns. We are here every day (except Sunday) to answer all your questions until you feel safe and secure before proceeding to a purchase. We are not perfect. We are human and we make mistakes. But we learn from them and every day we improve from our mistakes, from your comments and your suggestions. We apologize in advance, understand that we are doing the best we can. We transcend ourselves and evolve.


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