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Fraire Mauro

Store Italia is managed by a team of experts in the retail sector for generations in Italy, with our online store we have transformed our skills into digital. On Store Italia you can find the best brands of watches, jewelry and fashion accessories at super prices. We guarantee quality and seriousness of service, we get our products everywhere, in Italy and abroad. For any doubts about an item to buy, do not hesitate to contact our assistance service, we will be happy to welcome your questions and direct you to the right choice. Our quality and experience are always at your service. pexels-photo-582635 Our history We were born in 1967 as a tobacconist located in a small town in the province of Biella; The initial shop is still present. This site is the realization of a wider project that also includes other e-commerce sites owned by us, with which we wanted to expand the offer of our products through the online sale of accessories luxury and fashion.

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