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Shakdia, a chain of natural home stores is no longer a chain..you will find everything in it and at unrivaled costs, just like buying from the manufacturer. Vitamins, food supplements, dried fruits, legumes, tea blends, care products, food products and more ... Tu B'Shvat is also celebrated online with dozens of types of dried fruits of the highest quality than usual and at special costs along with unbeatable vitamins. Everything has already been said about Teva houses chains, but in Shakedia you will immediately feel the difference ..... It is not by chance that the chain comes out with your network message, go to one of the chain's branches and you will understand the difference. This is the only network where you not only say, but know each customer personally. Everything at eye level design, attitude and experience. The sales team is a professional team of naturopaths who will welcome you, advise and adjust the right product in the right dosage according to your personal need.


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