Gutding is different. Gutding loves diversity and would like to pay special attention to it. In the search for a way to live well and enjoyably without destroying our livelihood at the same time, “GUTDING” should make its contribution. According to the motto: "Organic alone is not enough for us", we set the bar high in our corporate ethics as well as our product criteria and try to think more and more consistently about sustainability and act accordingly. In the meantime we are guided by the term "suitable for grandchildren" - means: in every decision I take into account the foreseeable consequences for the following generations. This term also serves as a basis for decision-making when choosing a product. Together with customers, producers and partners, we want to stimulate the discussion and reflection process, look for products suitable for grandchildren together and look out for “good things” with a lot of love in order to provide you with a fine range. GUTDING stands for deceleration and enjoyment; The chat while shopping and a personal relationship with our customers make shopping lively and human.
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