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Hur Store Firenze

Our starting point is Nature. This does not mean that our products are only natural, in the most didactic sense of the term. Rather, it means that they are sustainable, from start to finish, in every step: from harvesting to processing raw materials, from extracting the active ingredients to packaging. This for us is respect for nature and respect for your skin. Our raw materials come mainly from Tuscany, from selected local companies that use ancient and natural methods of cultivation and harvesting. The transformation of raw materials takes place in the Florentine laboratory, from which the active ingredients are extracted. Biology and science are unique for products that start from a deep knowledge of our Earth, which becomes the beginning of a profound transformation in which biotechnology finds ample space. This is why our cosmetics - which do not undergo industrial-type production interventions - are highly effective and keep our promises. Because Beauty, which is above all Harmony, is also the most complete expression of nature.

Local time: 12:17

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