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Librairie Metropolis

Alexandre and Guillaume Girard took over the bookstore "Le Préambule" and renamed it "Metropolis". The two brothers, passionate about science fiction and genre cinema, set themselves the challenge of taking over the entire Bayeux generalist bookshop and its 7,500 references in 2016. And it works! On the ground floor as well as on the first floor, you will inevitably find your happiness there. Over the months, new products emerge and initiatives follow one another, bringing together an audience of regulars. Thus, regular appointments are made for book signing and literary meetings. The 8-15 year olds now have their book club: just bring your favourite book and the snack is served! Isn't that nice? In any case, there is enough here to fill up with good books, good ideas and to enrich your general culture, seriously or with fun. The website allows those who wish to subscribe to the newsletter to do so.


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