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Libreria Albatros

Books, DVDs, CDs and stationery You can order by calling 051902239 or sending an email to Libreria.albatros.cento@gmail.com. It can also be ordered through www.bookdealer.it by selecting the Albatros bookshop for delivery. The Albatros bookshop is located in the center of Cento, precisely in Corso Guercino 55 / a, a stone's throw from the Liceo Classico Cevolani. It deals with the whole world of the bookstore, school texts, collection of used books, local history books, tourist guides and a section reserved for used books for collectors. In addition to being a bookshop, it is also stationery, with the supply of specific material for schools. Offers service for making photocopies and sending faxes. In the shop you will also find a wide range of CDs, DVDs, vinyls and educational games for children. Come and visit us.


Local time: 13:11

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