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Libreria Bianca & Volta

Bianca & Volta is a small independent bookshop located in the Giardini dell'Alba in Riccione. Bianca & Volta is a small independent bookshop located in the Giardini dell'Alba in Riccione. A welcoming place for readers of all ages, in which to stop and browse the shelves, scrutinize covers, leaf through pages and look for the right book. Great space is dedicated to books for children and teenagers, with a vast assortment of the best publishing products from large and small publishing houses: Einaudi, Piemme, Gallucci, Babalibri, Topipittori, Clichy, Fatatrac ... and many others! There is no shortage of editorial proposals for adults, with the latest news and the best catalog titles, from fiction to non-fiction to the classics, in the sign of an assortment of quality that knows how to favor what does not find space in chain bookstores and supermarkets. Ideas, reading tips, delicious gift ideas ... and the ability to order any title in 1/2 working days and without shipping costs!


Local time: 17:52

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