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Libreria Campus Mondadori Bookstore

News, initiatives, events, active promotions at the Mondadori Campus Bookstore (via Rossini 33, Pesaro). The history of the CAMPUS LIBRARY has its roots in the early 1970s, when two young people from Vercelli decided to transport their passion for books to the shores of the Adriatic. Thus it was that in the summer of 1976 what was in fact the first "pure" bookshop in the city opened its doors: a bookshop with a large and in-depth catalog, managed by professional booksellers. Around the mid-1980s, the Campus Library was among the first Italian bookstores to equip itself with a modern and efficient computer system for catalog and sales management, which further accelerated its growth. In 1995 the owner decided to open a new store in Viale Trieste: thus the MARE LIBRARY was born, with a “lighter” setting, with a wide choice of half-price and super discounted offers that immediately met with the appreciation of tourists. The location, easily reachable also by car, the ease of approach, and the attractiveness of the numerous promotional offers, made the Campus Mare successful even in the Pesaro area, so much so that the owner kept the shop open all year round. - The Campus bookshop in via Rossini 33 and the Mare bookshop in viale Trieste 188 are part of the MONDADORI BOOKSTORE circuit.


Local time: 12:55

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