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Libreria Luisè

Antiques (Valturio) and modern bookshop, Publishing House, antique prints The bookshop currently has its headquarters in via Leon Battista alberti 7, thirteen steps from the Malatesta Temple. The name Risorgimento took it in 2011 in homage to the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Italian Independence and will keep it forever. Before 2011 the bookshop was known as the Luisè bookshop from the surname of the owner Giovanni Luisè and had had several locations in the city and an ancient history. In fact, it was born in 1967 in via Soardi as an antiques shop, became an antiques bookshop in 1975 and a publishing house in 1978. In 1988 the antiquria bookshop added to its interests the specialization in local books and moved to Borgo San Giuliano without abandoning the publishing activity mainly aimed at the re-editions of ancient local history texts, Judaism and ancient art monographs. In these areas, it boasts the edition of the monograph on Guido Cagnacci written by the Rimini historian Piergiorgio Pasini and the first edition in Italian of the ITINERARY by Beniamino da Tudela, the Marco Polo degli Jews. After a short period spent in via Battarra from 1994 to 1997, the bookshop has finally found its permanent home in the heart of the city, in the court of the noble Ferrari palace, on the maximum decumanus of the Roman city, on the edge of the Piazzare Martiri formerly Julius Caesar. The Risorgimento bookshop is managed by Giovanni Luisè and his wife Carla with the help of their son Luigi and the inevitable company of the pair of faithful Carlini Achille and Gessica. The library's assortment is vast and ranges from modern to ancient books; from ancient drawing to printing of various subjects. Exhibitions and book presentations are the cultural activity usually carried out inside the library and also outside in a welcoming and reserved courtyard full of shadows and flowering plants.


Local time: 17:50

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