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Libreria San Paolo Bari

The roots of the Edizioni San Paolo go back to 1914, when the Società San Paolo was founded by Don Giacomo Alberione (1884-1971). Around the first activities, which coincided with the printing of the first monthly and weekly religious sheets, all the initiatives that were progressively signed as "Printing and Publishing School", "Pious Society of St. Paul", "Apostolate Press Society", " Pauline Editions ". The latter publishing brand in 1994 will give life to two distinct brands and their respective publishing houses: the "Edizioni San Paolo" of Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), conducted by the religious of the Società San Paolo, and "Paoline Editoriale Libri" of Milan, conducted by the Daughters of St. Paul. The first books published by Don Alberione's "budding pioneers" were not masterpieces: each community scattered throughout Italy was a small publishing house (Alba, Rome, Vicenza, Modena, Catania, Bari, Pescara), autonomous and often in competition with the others. . Only between 1952 and 1953 was there a successful centralization effort in Rome, where the Editions Office was opened. The first general catalog bears the date of 1952 and it is enough to compare it with the more striking one of 1972 to realize the extraordinary development that the Pauline publishing industry has experienced in these twenty years, fully engaged in the lively field of theology, the Bible, and history. of the church, of children's literature. With its series (remember the "Library of religious culture", the series "Scalding points", the "New version of the Bible with the original texts") the publisher plays a leading role in the years of the Second Vatican Council. Between 1984 and 1985 the headquarters moved from Rome to Cinisello Balsamo (Mi). The current structure includes seven editorial areas (bible, spirituality, theology, family, history, children, miscellaneous) coordinated by the respective editors who together with the management constitute the thinking heart of the publisher.


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