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marioneta מריונטה - בוטיק לילדים

Three physical stores and one online store - nice to meet you, I'm a puppet. A store so special that you can find all the most beautiful, designed and high-quality things in it - that both children and adults will love. This is a diverse store where you can put shoes, clothes and even a toy or birth gift in the shopping basket - and get everything to your home through our courier service. Our first store opened in 2012 in the heart of the flea market in Jaffa, after which the online store was established, a Dizengoff branch opened and I recently opened the Gedera branch. At Marionette I choose and collect toys, clothes, and shoes that will suit every stage of the child's development - from New Born to age 12. You will find here a large variety of premium products, such as wooden toys, art kits, imagination games, fashion, accessories, swimwear, birth gifts, Sandals in the summer and rain boots in the winter - and everything comes from the most beautiful and high-quality brands I know abroad, combined with a lot of local Israeli production. I work non-stop to locate and find the most exciting items in the entire world. Items you will not find anywhere else, and I am proud to be the official importer of some of the leading brands in Europe in the world of children, such as: Beach & bandits, Poco Nido, Trixie, Sticky Lemon and more שלנו Our agenda, both on site and in stores is to collect products with long shelf life As much as possible and that their production process be neither polluting nor harming the environment. Marionette believes in and encourages prudent consumption and smart purchases. BUY LESS BUT BUY SMART - Buy less but buy smart! Our products are durable and high quality and most of them are made from recycled and recycled materials. The difference between a chain and a boutique store is expressed in my personal responsibility. I know that abundance is large and confusing, and sometimes leads to many unnecessary purchases. And I say - buy one good and quality one that will last for a long time. Buy clothes that go through a lot of washing without being worn out, instead of disposable clothes that are produced under unfair working conditions. Buy toys that will be passed from child to child, instead of plastic products that pollute the environment. Giving good service - this is the first line in my "I believe", and so it was from the moment the first store opened. Both in stores and on the website, I am available for any questions or concerns you may have. I guarantee patient and professional advice throughout the purchase, and I will accompany you until you are satisfied. My team and I are always here for you - always attentive and striving to grow, change and innovate - so that you will want to come back to us again and again.

Local time: 12:15

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