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Mastiha Shop

MEDITERRA is a subsidiary of the Chios Mastic Producers Association and since its establishment in 2002 is the most important mechanism for promotion and marketing of Chian Mastic. As part of its role, the company develops combined retail and wholesale activities in Greece and abroad and productive activities at its headquarters in Chios. The most prominent activity of the company are the mastihashop stores that have offered promotion services of incalculable value in the case of Mastic of Chios and dozens of distinctions in the company that concern the idea, the brand, the packaging and the innovation. ABOUT US In order to achieve its founding goals the company has adopted a complex business model that combines sales, production, research & development activities with marketing and communication elements to leave a strong imprint on its organization and operation. In this context, in recent years, and with a focus on extroversion, cooperation and innovation, the company has decided to participate in the establishment of affiliated legal entities in Greece and abroad. The company currently holds holdings in the companies: MASTIHA DAMLA SAKIZ (25%, 2016) MASTIC RESEARCH CENTER SA (36%, 2017) TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS OF GREECE LTD (65%, 2008)

Local time: 23:06

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