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Max Maker

Digital Artisan with 3D Printing, I am an archaeologist who for years has dreamed of enhancing our archaeological assets thanks to new technologies. Today, I decided to take this dream out of the drawer and make it come true. Until recently, if you had an idea, you had to find a designer, make a prototype, send it to China, have thousands of pieces made and then have them come back and resell them. Technological innovation has reached such a maturity that it is much more GREEN. This is how the digital craftsman was born. I think of an object, I design it with open source software, I mold it with 3d printers assembled by me (with very low energy consumption) and I make it with PLA, a "bioplastic" of vegetable origin, ecological and biodegradable, produced in Europe. I firmly believe that this is the future: an eco-sustainable trade made of local products with a low environmental impact, which represent the typical features of our territory. It can be called teleportation of objects: from my mind to your hands in a few hours. You can find my creations in the Vanity Bio Profumeria Cervia showroom in Via Bertoni 3 in Cervia. Massimiliano Montanari www.maxmaker.it

Local time: 23:47

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