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Moto technology is easy. Simple and affordable. This is what we, the Motoplus online store, want to show our customers. Showing a city dweller that picking up and buying a reliable motorcycle is not much more difficult than going for groceries. Show the enthusiastic farmer that buying a mini-tractor is not available for all the money in the world. And then it is not necessary to travel many hundreds of kilometers in order to purchase new attachments - you can simply get it at the warehouse of the transport company. And that you definitely don’t need to ask your friends and acquaintances, but to scour all the Internet in search of information about motor vehicles - you can just ask us. We understand something about this. If you want to see your future motorcycle “live” - come, we have a store in Dnipro, you can pick it up there. You are in another city - no problem, we send motor vehicles by “New mail” throughout Ukraine. Do not forget about the guarantee - we provide it for all motor vehicles that we sell.



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