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Perfume Atelier

Essence Originals was founded in 2015 in Istanbul by a group of young entrepreneurs who believed that scent was a very personal journey in human life. This journey, which starts with the essence of what we call fragrance, meets the skin without losing any of the notes and aromas in its contents as the odors produced from completely natural materials do not pass through chemical processes. Essence Originals knows that every scent has a different personality and different scents take on different characters on different people, turning odor selection into a more special and personal experience. The Essence Originals collection of 40 fragrances, categorized under five different concepts: Bois, Haute, Fleur, Vert and Mode, were created for true perfume enthusiasts. Presenting the variety of natural ingredients with Essence Originals, the essence of your scent is now with you.

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