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Perfumería Júlia Zaragoza

A young Júlia Bonet, only 17 years old, knew how to see an opportunity where there was none. Andorra was a rural country, Spain was coming out of the Civil War and the rest of Europe is between two wars. In this context, our courageous and entrepreneurial founder decided to put all her efforts into offering high-quality beauty products. He would go to Toulouse to look for them and that is how the first perfumes, the first gunpowder or the red lipsticks of Hollywood actresses arrived in Andorra; products that it offered in its first establishment, a perfumery - hairdresser in Escaldes, on the ground floor of the family home. We still keep that place today, with its original structure, in honor of those early years. She marries Mr. Pere Zamora and they have 3 daughters, the current owners of Perfumería Júlia, Ms. Anna Mª, Melània and Imma Zamora, and watchmen of her mother's legacy. Motherhood, contrary to what used to be common at the time, did not detract from her professional project. He continued with effort and dedication to his company, Perfumería Júlia. The style of attention and service that has made us worthy of the trust of our clients was forged those first years

Local time: 02:51

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