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Perfumery Office & Beauty Florence

BEAUTY FLORENCE is a Tuscan company born from the need to make the experience acquired in years of research in the cosmetic sector available to the female public. This experience, combined with the collaboration of trained professionals, is transformed today into a beauty recipe that accompanies the Italian woman and why not, also the man, who today increasingly chooses to be beautiful and cared for, to get excited in front of possible frontiers of beauty reachable by combining Beauty Florence Plus and our line of cosmetic products with simple daily gestures. History, dedication, color and love are the essential ingredients to be able to describe Beauty Florence in a few simple words, today it has become the path that many women choose to follow to "live their beauty" and obtain the desired result. A safe and reliable cosmetic line that guarantees the woman a valid help to her problem linked to both the skin of the face and the body, which allows her to believe in what she expects because the Beauty Florence business ethics guarantees continuous assistance through a service open at 360 degrees with the help of professional operators, beauticians who will take care of her at home and who will follow her step by step towards their own autonomy of behaviors aimed at achieving the result. BEAUTY FLORENCE was created to give women emotions and concrete facts about the results that they themselves will be able to see. And to meet this need, Beauty Florence has invented the Beauty Florence Plus device: the company's strength, the result of sophisticated and innovative research in the medical and cosmetic fields. Beauty Florence Plus works on the principle of iontophoresis, it allows the epidermis and the subcutis of the treated area to fully assimilate the product used. Beauty Florence has thus developed the concept of well-being not only from research on cosmetic products but also thanks to the study of the innovative device for iontophoresis which, combined with our specific products, facilitates and speeds up the absorption of the same, guaranteeing their extraordinary effectiveness up to 30 times higher than a normal standard massage. Designed to ensure the correct supply of galvanic current, our device, with its compact size and ease of use, allows it to be used at any time, at home or on vacation. A revolution in the aesthetic field, a beauty institute at your fingertips that will restore your youth and beauty in a few applications ... you will feel pleasant emotions and sensations that will infect everyone around you, favoring the positive meaning of your existence. It helps to increase our desire to see ourselves with a pleasing appearance, therefore more beautiful, younger, leaner, thus improving the state of well-being, positively affecting ourselves and our life. Our mission is to satisfy the customer through results. Trust us!

Local time: 08:14

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