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Plurimix Point

Plurimix.it is the result of the commercial evolution of S.EL.CA. srl 1983 - S.el.ca. srl (Household Appliances Company), from the desire of the founding member Ferrari Rosa Maria supported by her husband, to bring home a product that would allow you to create, in a short time and saving, healthy and appetizing food: an old slogan of ours, then copied by others , emphasized "from appetizer to dessert". The organization was set up on the "party system" (home selling). The practical demonstration was in fact considered indispensable to guarantee clarity of information and concrete service to the consumer. The presence of dealers in various areas of Italy has allowed the products of S.el.ca. srl (which grew in number and specifications of use for the home and kitchen) to be known and appreciated. 1985 - Television advertising is introduced, which, far from wanting to be aggressive, had the purpose of disseminating the existence of Plurimix® in a capillary way, through a complete and real promotional message. 1986 - Other products for the home: from blankets and sets in merino wool, to steam ironing sets, sets of pots, are added to S.el.ca. Francesca joins the company who takes care of the commercial and foreign part. 1987 - The headquarters moved to Verona in new offices. Become part of S.el.ca. also Barbara who takes care of the Administration. 1989/90 - Innovative household appliances are included in the S.el.ca. catalog, the Hot Air Oven and the Tuttopane, electric brooms also of the rechargeable type, which give the impetus to a new development also in foreign trade. 1992 - International fairs and contacts in the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East, lead S.el.ca to invest in a new headquarters in San Martino Buon Albergo, where the new warehouse of over 1000 meters is also born. 1994 - Fabrizio joins the company and becomes the logistics and warehouse referent. 2000 - S.el.ca. it was the first to import the Lenpur® product into Europe, a high quality yarn that allows it to have the absorbency of linen combined with the touch and sheen of silk. The "L'Allodola®" bathroom line is born, produced in Lenpur. 2001 - Products are also introduced in the cosmetic and medical fields: Micro Bios, Tens electrostimulator, the "Rigenera®" static magnetotherapy line, centella cream, oleum 44, Clay mud with oil. 2002- The company participates in various programs with television promotions both on local and national networks: among others "Fornelli d'Italia" on Rete 4 2004 - A crowd of unscrupulous operators in the sector, exploiting the now popular name of Plurimix ®, had begun to behave incorrectly towards unsuspecting customers, who, although satisfied with the product, complained that they were not adequately assisted and that they had not received a correct demonstration. In the constant and intense monitoring, S.EL.CA. noticed the drastic worsening of the situation, also confirmed by the introduction on the market of counterfeit products, passed off as "The original" and by the proliferation of machines that would have liked to be similar, but that despite reproducing clearly copied images and messages, they were far from rivaling Plurimix®. The situation was also extending to other products imported and marketed by S.el.ca. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly common to engage with valid IDEAS, to obtain profit at a low price, to the detriment of correct and in good faith consumers. Moreover, since it seems very difficult to prosecute the dishonest, it has also become common for the honest ones to raise ever louder choruses to shout their reasons. S.EL.CA. it is among the latter, and therefore, not accepting a reality of the sector, now squalid and incorrect, has decided to reverse the course, and formulate new solutions. 2005 - The idea of "DO IT YOURSELF OF THE KITCHEN" was born. Through the birth of a physical store and e.commerce. In practice, we have treasured the requests from our numerous customers to have: advice, particular recipes, suggestions on the ingredient to use, methods for better and healthier cooking and more and to have optimal products to carry out all the phases preparation in the kitchen. Since the late 1980s, S.EL.CA. had begun to select "particular" products, and therefore not available in traditional sales channels, therefore, using his solid experience in this regard, he began a research that led the product range to be extended to 500 products, with the clear goal not to betray the original conviction: WE ARE WHAT WE EAT! The quality in the dish begins with the ingredient, but continues in the individual stages of preparation, up to cooking, with constant attention to respect for fibers and nutritional principles, practicality in use, speed of cleaning and finally savings on the family budget. . It was finally the right time to put our experience at the service of our numerous and loyal customers. Experience born from continuous training sessions aimed at the sales force, but also from personal use, which can only consolidate the belief in a product. The awareness that EATING WELL IS A RIGHT, but it is also a duty to approach food with the enthusiasm of imagination and the strength of constancy. The increase in food intolerances and allergies finally made us understand how indispensable it is to know exactly what we eat: a passion that in these cases becomes indispensable every day. Here, then, is continuous research, experimentation and selection of particular and specific ingredients which, with the help of Plurimix®, allow lovers of good home-made cuisine to find a source that becomes a source of supply, but also a reference. All this managed directly, in order to allow better and faster control. 2006 - The specific laboratory and warehouse for food is born. Logical consequence in pursuing quality, the packaging laboratory develops the idea of being able to give even to the non-professional enthusiast specialized products for the realization of recipes by professionals and above all to increasingly improve knowledge and awareness in cooking. In the same year, the laboratory also became authorized to package products from organic farming. 2010 - The continuous growth in the number of products (over 3000) and the evolution of requests, also born from the awareness of customers, who through television broadcasts, ad hoc courses, social networks and the web in general have had the opportunity to access information that were reserved only for professionals, they led to the opening of the new store in the city center of Verona. 2015- The new site is born that allows better use, more information on products and images. Ad hoc information sectors, initiatives and the possibility of interacting with the customer. This site therefore represents part of our dream, which has become work and life, and we can certainly say that it arises precisely from the continuous exchange between supplier and customer, or better still, 80,000 customers loyal to us over time, who have had the patience and constancy in speaking and listening to us. From a common desire, recipes, product research, solutions for services, commercial initiatives… and who knows what else have arisen. But we don't want to dwell on it, surf freely !! And do not hesitate to contact us for requests, info, or advice… all this is just the beginning… thanks to all those who continue to believe in us.

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