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Local Apple Experts in your city - Rossellimac - Apple Premium Reseller We are in Almería, Castellón, Córdoba, Ceuta, Granada Alhóndiga, Granada Serrallo, Jaén, Huelva and Madrid. Apple Premium Resellers live and breathe the Mac. They can help you decide which Mac or iPod is right for you, give you objective advice on all facets of your purchase, and provide you with Apple-certified training on many aspects of the Mac platform. Your local stores are the ideal places to try out a Mac or iPod, attend demonstrations of the latest Apple products, or regularly participate in seminars and events related to the latest technology. They are also a good option to ask for expert advice if you have a business or are a professional user who wants to get the most out of your Mac. Rossellimac Certified and Authorized Service and Support, through Rossellitec, offers you a wide range of services and support products to meet your needs, whether you are a home or professional user. When you buy an Apple device in a Premium Reseller and you find out that the same company will take care of all the technical assistance you may need, as well as the repairs that arise during the term of your warranty. Rossellimac (with Rosselli Servicios) is also an Authorized Apple Technical Service. We have Certified and Authorized Service and Support in Almería, Castellón, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva and Jaén.

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