Everyone wants to have a doctor friend, a mechanic friend, a lawyer friend and a friend with an appliance store. We wish you would not need the first three members, regarding the fourth member - let's be friends of Sansenter - the mythical electrical and stereo product store, and enjoy a monthly lottery of electrical product, website prices, and personal and caring service we have been providing to our customers for 27 years. Senscenter - an electrical store that includes 3 separate stores: Senscenter Electrical Products is the mythical store that was founded with the establishment of Dizengoff Center and includes a huge variety of household appliances from the best brands and models, all coming from the largest importers in Israel, with direct warranty from the importer. BOSE CENTER is a boutique store for sound and stereo systems, the newest models from the leading companies in the world, in a personal complex that includes a listening studio and a stereo expert consultant. KITCHEN CENTER is a boutique store for kitchen appliances and unique complementary products. The store includes a line of quality and innovative products, in a variety of designs suitable for those whose kitchen is the heart of their home.
Local time: 20:08
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Dizengoff St 50, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
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