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SARDISSIMO - Prodotti tipici Sardi

Io sono SARDISSIMO is the simplest phrase to explain the bond of native and acquired Sardinians to Sardinia, a wonderful land, rich in colors, scents, traditions and endless stories. Modern Sardinia is the destination of many visitors who during their stay have the opportunity to taste and drink the products that are obtained from its land. Our task is to bring the typical Sardinian product to homes all over the world in the simplest, most functional and fastest way. Staff SARDISSIMOSARDISSIMO is a Sardinian company, managed by Sardinians at the service of all those who appreciate the Sardinian product and want to consume it on their tables, thus remembering their land of origin or the moments spent, for whatever reason, in the wonderful land called Sardinia. SARDISSIMO gives you more! Browse the categories of our catalog with the side menu and discover all the fresh products that SARDISSIMO offers you. SARDISSIMO shop in Cagliari SARDISSIMO - Via Dettori 22, Cagliari - Virtual Tour Dear consumer, by reading and looking at these pages you will discover the reasons for choosing our products: exclusive products, quality, convenience, reliable services, clear and transparent sales conditions and support customers always courteous and punctual. Your every visit is a source of great satisfaction for us, your every order will be an incentive to continue growing. Help us serve you better: sign up for Io sono Sardissimo now! You will discover all the advantages of being a special customer. Our business partners To offer the best and always guarantee full operations, SARDISSIMO has decided to rely on the best local suppliers and the most qualified companies in the sectors of logistics, internet services and e-commerce. We want to thank the company Zafferano e Spezie di Sardegna Srl Agricola which stands out in Sardinia for the cultivation and processing of many typical Sardinian products.


Local time: 09:52

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