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New Texun Ostuni Via Cattedrale

The history of Texun Pietra Leccese is closely linked to that of the Safe family, which has always been involved in the extraction of this extraordinary raw material which, since the Baroque era, has left a tangible and indelible mark on the artistic and architectural history of il Tacco. of Italy, demonstrating its incredible versatility both on the creative and artistic front and on the architectural one. From the extraction of natural stone to the Lecce stone lamps for sale online: a family story We are in 1980 when - on the wave of the emotion aroused by the observation of the warmth and incredible plasticity of this raw material so inextricably linked to their everyday life - the three Safe brothers choose to combine the extraction of Lecce stone with the creative one. It is precisely then that all the energy channeled up to now in the pure extraction process finds free rein and takes shape in a myriad of interpretations, now more rigorous, now more imaginative, which can be appreciated one by one by leafing through the pages of this shop dedicated to stone lamps Leccese for sale online and much more. Unique products in Lecce stone: this is the Made in Italy that conquers. capable of bringing into every environment all the essence of that Made in Italy which still today continues to win over customers and admirers from all over the world. From artistic inspiration to commercial intuition: the watchword, globalization The happy synergy of minds ensures that artistic intuition soon finds fulfillment in a strong commercial propensity that makes the Texun brand, today, the protagonist of its reference market both with a network of branded sales points and by virtue of a long series of collaborations with some of the best-known names in Italian design. And not only that: over time, Texun has been able to grasp not only the evolution of the market, but also the new opportunities for commercial opening offered by globalization. It is no coincidence that today the quality of Texun brand products and Lecce stone lamps for sale online is also available online, in an online shop from which customers and visitors can conveniently make their purchases from all over the world. A creative offer tastefully designed for the most varied needs From private construction to retail, through small furnishing objects, avant-garde design and integrated lighting, today Texun is able to shape the material with creative flair and professional rigor first, satisfying an increasingly larger clientele. Creativity, professionalism, reliability: in a word, Texun customer satisfaction arises not only from the qualitative appreciation of the finished product, but also from the objective observation that by relying on Texun you put yourself in the hands of a supplier who - thanks to deep-rooted family tradition - is able to perfectly understand all the aspects of a complex and articulated production chain, such as that relating to the creation of unique products in Lecce stone, among which the Lecce stone lamps for sale online on the pages of this stand out. shop.

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