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upper glass - craftbeer shop & warehouse

upper glass - the shopping experience for craft beer and everything to do with beer in Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. As before, no other alcoholic drink is as popular in Germany as beer. It is part of every social gathering, is available in stores almost everywhere and should not be missing on a good drinks menu in any area of gastronomy. No other product is seen as typically German at home and abroad as beer. Starting in the USA, a country with a long brewing tradition, a new trend has developed that defies this development by returning to old traditions, quality awareness and diversity: craft beer. These beers, which were first handcrafted in the USA, are now produced in almost all parts of the world by smaller breweries, so-called micro-breweries, and presented to a steadily growing number of enthusiasts. In Germany, too, these microbreweries create unique fine beers from the natural ingredients permitted by the German Purity Law, malt, yeast, water and hops. Through special manufacturing and maturing processes, which are always based on the traditional, handcrafted origins of beer production, as well as the special refinement of the raw materials, completely new, individual beer characters are created. In an absolutely natural way, for example through special roasting processes, extraordinary aromas such as coffee, liquorice, caramel or nuts are released, which give the finished beers their extraordinary taste. With these "handmade beers", the possibilities for varying the possible flavors and color nuances are almost limitless. These completely new product features are complemented by innovative designs and novel, unconventional forms of marketing. Not only individualists and trendsetters, but also normal beer lovers, have now discovered the craft beers for themselves and are looking for suppliers of these creative beers in their area. As the first and so far only specialist shop for craft beer, upper glass would like to inspire customers in Mannheim, the Rhine-Neckar region and far beyond for these unique products. Our company should establish itself on the market through a very special ambience, the individuality of the products on offer and, last but not least, through advice that is always geared towards the needs of customers.


Local time: 06:38

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