Founded at the end of 2012, the URBAN DIAMOND PIECES concept is the Boutique that wants to be very exclusive, hyper trendy, always very innovative with its collections and brands that greatly appeal to the trendy and golden youth fanatic of urban fashion and fashion. , at the end of June that the first Boutique opens its doors in the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, namely on Avenue de Gare in Luxembourg City, followed by a second larger and more luxurious Boutique in the second largest Luxembourg city, namely ESCH SUR ALZETTE.The image of URBAN DIAMOND PIECES, is dedicated to new fashion trends, namely Streetstyles and urban. URBAN DIAMOND PIECES unearths for its dear customers always the top of the top in terms of urban clothing trends.
Local time: 21:23
Opening Hours
12 Boulevard d'Avranches, 1160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
English, German, French, Letzeburgesch, Luxembourgish
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