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Weltladen Gallneukirchen

WELTLÄDEN - Specialist shops for fair trade Imprint Disclosure according to the media law Media owner of this page: ARGE World Shops Association: Working group - ARGE for the promotion of world shops Name, seat and field of activity: The association is called Arbeitsgemeinschaft - ARGE for the promotion of world shops. It is based in Innsbruck and extends its activity to all of Austria. The establishment of branch associations is possible. The association is not geared towards profit, politically independent and non-denominational. Purpose: The purpose of the association, whose activities are not for profit, is: the promotion of development cooperation and development policy. The association wants to promote and strengthen fair trade conditions with disadvantaged small producers in so-called developing countries (ODA recipient countries) as a further instrument of development cooperation and development policy without engaging in this trade itself. This should improve the living conditions and the economic situation of the small producers in the long term and promote their independence. To be an organization of natural and legal persons who promote and strengthen Fair Trade projects and actions. Cooperation with other development organizations. ZVR: 794820103 Our association register extract and our association statutes can be found on the website www.weltladen.at. Contact details: Leopoldstrasse 35/1. Stock, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Tel. & Fax: + 43– (0) 512–55 11 50 E-Mail: arge (at) weltlaeden.at, Webpage: www.weltladen.at Managing Director: Mag.a Gudrun Danter This FB -Page serves to fulfill the purpose of the association, for the purpose of self-portrayal of the "Working Group - ARGE for the Promotion of World Shops", the Austrian World Shops, which are members of the ARGE World Shops, as well as information and education about fair trade as opposed to conventional world trade. References and links: The page sometimes contains references to websites / blogs etc. that have been set up by third parties. ARGE Weltladen has no control over the websites (blogs etc.) and the information, goods or services offered there. ARGE Weltladen therefore assumes no responsibility, for whatever legal reason, for the content of third parties.

Local time: 08:15

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